Environmental, Social and cooperate Goverence (ESG)


I Prodan ønsker vi å bidra til en mer bærekraftig verden til fordel for klima, miljø, og mennesker. Som en moderne maskinfabrikk for bearbeiding av metall og plast er vi leverandører til offshore- og vindturbinindustrien, landbruk, pumper, prosessindustrien og næringsmiddelindustrien. Vi har et ansvar for å sørge for at vår virksomhet bidrar til en mer bærekraftig verden, og derfor jobber vi systematisk og vedvarende med miljøinitiativer. I 2023 har vi oppdatert vår bærekraftstrategi. Våre fokusområder er ansvarlig drift, ansvarlige produkter, og en ansvarlig arbeidsplass. For hvert fokusområde har vi prioritert en rekke delområder. Våre prioriteringer bidrar hovedsakelig til å realisere tre av FNs bærekraftsmål:












Responsible operations

As a modern machine factory, we use a lot of electricity in our production. We continuously focus on making our operations more sustainable. We do this, among other things, by reducing our CO2 emissions through reduced energy consumption and through optimization of transport. We want to increase recycling and generally increase our focus on how we can reduce our negative climate impact.

We have installed an energy management system to monitor specific energy cosusmption on each machine in the production site. We have switched to LED and installed light censors. And we are increasing focus on our energy consumption and have set reduction targets.

During the production process, we focus on reducing material consumption. We recycle waste material wherever possible. We have an progressional apporach regarding our waste management, and we set annual reduction targets, which keeps us committet to the issue. We sort waste in many different fractions which is part of our environmental measures. You can read about our envirmental measures here.

Distribution concerns ourselvs but also our suppliers and customers. We endeavor to drive only when necessary and preferably as few kilometers as possible. For the same reason, Prodan is located close to the highway.

We have gained an overview of our direct and indirect climate impacts. We have calculated our direct CO2 emissions (scope 1) and indirect CO2 emissions (scope 2).
In addition, we have uncovered a large number of our CO2 emissions at supplier and customer levels (scope 3) based on consumption data and average calculations. Our climate reports are available here.

Responsible products

Prodan supplies machining, sheet metal processing, welding and heavy goods processing. Our production consists of a wide range of machines, which together can solve most tasks within both simple and complex tasks within metal and plastics processing. Our machine shop handles projects of varying sizes with parts from 100 grams up to structures weighing more than 70 tons.

Supplier management

We risk assess our suppliers on a number of factors – especially in relation to human rights, child labour, etc., where we have policies.

We are working on a supplier assessment procedure, where our suppliers must make a self-assessment based on our questionnaire with questions about environmental policies, quality, certifications, human rights, child labour, etc.

Responsible materials

A large part of our production items consist of steel. We want to develop more sustainable alternatives together with our suppliers. It is a complex task that we would like to work on solving, while focusing on high quality.

Product quality

We produce according to specific customer requirements and construction drawings.  The breadth of our competencies means that we can be a total supplier and at the same time act as a sparring partner on quality and production method in construction tasks. The better we can meet our customers’ needs, the longer our solutions last, and thus the more sustainable our solutions are.

Responsible workplace

An attractive workplace is inextricably linked to employees thriving, developing and supporting a healthier lifestyle. An attractive workplace is also linked to the fact that we as a machine factory are becoming more clear about the fact that we want to contribute to a more sustainable world and how we want to do it. We increase focus on the responsible workplace through three focus areas.

Health and safety at work

Occupational safety and health is a basic condition at Prodan. We want our employees to be able to go to work safely. We have safety procedures and all new employees are shown around our company, where they are specifically introduced to how they should deal with safety, waste, etc.

We have a strong focus on identifying and treating security risks on an ongoing basis. Every month we carry out safety rounds. Our safety committee meets four times a year and performs a «safety walk» before each safety meeting.

We have our own canteen that serves varied food, and we have a staff association that arranges activities for the staff.

We conduct well-being surveys and have a strong focus on employee satisfaction.

Employee development

We focus on the continuous development of our employees through relevant courses and educations.

Our employees must have the opportunity to follow the company’s development. Therefore, we hold staff meetings annually, where we focus on informing widely in the organization. In addition, employees are informed weekly via Prodan’s newsletter.

Good corporate governance

Prodan takes on a local commitment in the city of Randers. We want to support the cultural life and sports. Among other things, we are a sponsor of the local football club, Randers FC.

We have policies in areas such as anti-corruption, GDPR, child labour, human rights and data security.

We have an employee handbook, which is handed out to all new employees at the start of employment.

We collaborate with vocational schools on students and interns, just as we are also happy to hire flexi-workers, where we take into account that the ability to work is limited by health considerations.

We are ISO 14001 environmentally certified and ISO 9001 quality certified.