Karsten’s day becomes extra exciting when an interesting inquiry is received and skills are challenged. Sparring with customers and colleagues on the best solution makes a good day.

Karsten has been with Prodan since 1994 and has a background as machinist and mechanical engineer. New possibilities and the urge for new challenges has formed Karsten’s current job as PTA/constructor associate and despite the fact that he has been in this industry for many years, Karsten is still ready for new challenges.

Through sparring we are able to achieve the best possible product.

“My daily work consists of offer writing, receipt of orders and product development together with current and new customers. I like, when I together with a customer development department am able to reach the best possible result and if needed you can find me in the workshop testing things myself.”

New challenges

“Even though I am responsible for my own customers today, I am still ready for new challenges. The good and constructive dialogue with the customer, where we together use our knowledge to solve the problem, makes me feel that I develop.”

Freedom with responsibility

“At Prodan I think we have a high degree of freedom for solving our own tasks. You are backed by management to develop and learn new things. I like this freedom and trust – it makes me do my job in the way I find best. But both management and colleagues are always ready for a constructive sparring, if I need input for my work. Even though I have been here for many years, I feel that I have developed my skills ongoing and still have the possibility to do so. That makes Prodan a good place to work.”