The company has its roots back in 1962 and is an old and reputable machine works.
In 2006 Prodan A/S, Prodan Gears A/S, Giga Stål ApS, Værum Smede- og Maskinværksted ApS and FJ Teknik ApS merged in order to strengthen the competitiveness, to ensure the production in Denmark and not least to be able to offer customers a broader range of processes and appear as a system and total supplier within metal and plastic components. This merge provides the basis for Prodan A/S as it is today.
In 2008 we built new manufacturing facilities in order to gather all activities under one roof and get new and modern premises. A streamlined and modern factory of 15,320 sqm was built with great care for production possibilities, expansion and environmental impact.
The ownership consists of Peter Stubkjær Sørensen and Per Hastrup, of which the last one take active part in the daily management.